4 Simple Life Lessons with Coffee

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I know you’re probably thinking what lessons with coffee? What can I possibly learn from a cup of coffee?


But, before we dive into that topic specifically, I just want you to think for a minute about all the things you’ve done in life. 


All the adventures you’ve had. 


The struggles. 


All the highs and lows. 


They have shaped you and made you who you are today. 


All those books you’ve read, those movies and tv shows you’ve watched, that speeding ticket, that test you failed, that paper you aced, that boy that broke your heart, that job you landed, the house you bought, the child (or children) you had. 


Everything that’s happened in your life has helped shape you and made you unique. 


I could go on and on about life lessons, but I think one of the best ways to explain some important lessons I’ve learned in life is through coffee. 


Yes, you read that right, coffee.


There have been many changes in my life, but one thing that has remained the same is coffee. 


Well, maybe not exactly the same because back in college I drank pretty crappy dining hall coffee and thought it was good. 


But, through all those bad cups of coffee, I discovered the good ones and what you can learn from everything in between. 


Despite everything I’ve been through coffee has always found me and helped me along the way, teaching me lessons with coffee. 


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Lessons with Coffee


There are four key things I’ve learned from coffee and we will explore each phrase/topic below in the context of coffee.


  • Plan ahead
  • Quality
  • Pause 
  • Cool down

Plan ahead and never run out.


The last thing you want to do is open a cupboard and be out of coffee (or whatever else you drink in the morning). 


I’ve done that a few times in the past and it’s just awful. It’s a recipe for the start of a bad day. 


So, although I don’t usually drink cheap coffee anymore, I will always have a backup.


From K-cups for my Keurig to individual pour-over coffee I always make sure I have something else on hand. 


And that’s an important lesson with coffee that you can learn: always plan ahead. 


Girl holding a mug of coffee and thinking about the life lessons with coffee.

You can’t predict the future, but you can make sure you never run out of things that you need and use every day with some simple planning.


So, I try to take the same principles and feelings I have about my morning coffee and carry that into other things in my life. 


I make sure I always have things like toothpaste or contact solution stocked up. Things I use every day without fail. 


I try to get my monthly prescriptions well ahead of the time I actually need them (usually 5-7 days before I actually need to use them). That way if there are ever any issues with my pharmacy filling them I’ve given myself enough time to look elsewhere. 


That simple act of making sure I always have coffee on hand has carried over into other areas of my life too and shown me that planning ahead is important.


There’s a time and place for cheap coffee.


Carrying into always having coffee on hand, there is definitely a time and a place for cheap coffee. And that is the second life lesson with coffee.


Like so many other things in life, you don’t always need the best and brightest new thing. 


Sure fancy coffee is nice, but sometimes just a plain old cup of black coffee is all you need. 


But figuring out when that applies is the real life lesson regarding the time and place for cheap coffee. 


And that applies to everything in life. Sometimes you have to splurge on something, but other times you don’t need the latest and greatest. 


So next time you are stuck on whether or not you need to splurge on something think of it in the context of a cup of coffee. 


Do you need that fancy caramel macchiato from Starbucks? Or, can you get by with a cup of black coffee and maybe some cream from the local gas station?


It sounds silly, but you’d be surprised at how much more you enjoy that black coffee over that fancy drink. 


You don’t always need that second or third cup (or fourth…).


I actually drank more coffee before I was a mom than I do now. (I know shocker! LOL.)


After I found out I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to stop drinking coffee.


Woman in a bathrobe, holding a mug and thinking about the simple life lessons with coffee.

I had a decaf cup here and there during pregnancy when I needed a pick-me-up, but nothing more than that. 


And, after I gave birth, I decided I wouldn’t drink coffee again until I was done breastfeeding. 


I thought that I would breastfeed for maybe 6 months (that was my goal anyway), but I ended up breastfeeding until my daughter was about a year old (I was an exclusive pumper after about 5 or 6 months). 


So, I gave up coffee for almost two years. 


And I actually thought about not drinking coffee again. But one morning I had that first sip from a fresh pot while sitting at my desk working and it was just heaven. 


I knew coffee and me were a thing again from then on.


But, through that experience, I learned that you probably don’t need as much coffee as you think you do. 


I used to drink two or three cups in the morning and then another in the afternoon, sometimes more. 


Like many things in life, we often think we need something that we actually don’t. Maybe it’s because it’s been our routine for so long or we’ve never done it any other way. 


But sometimes once you stop drinking that afternoon cup of coffee you realize you never really needed it in the first place. 


And the same goes for various things in life that you think you need or have to have. 


Maybe it’s that diet soda from the vending machine. Maybe you think you need a glass of wine at the end of the day. Or those lottery tickets from the gas station. 


The point is, just pause and think about what you really “need.” You might find you don’t need that second or third (or fourth) cup after all.


Last and probably one of the most important life lessons with coffee is to let it cool down.


And by coffee, I  really mean you (or your partner or whoever you’re in an argument with). 


When you first pour yourself a cup in the morning you often can’t drink it right away. It’s too hot. You have to let it cool down or maybe add some cream/milk to it. 


The same goes for an argument with your spouse or a friend or even a co-worker; sometimes you just have to walk away and let things cool down. 


Even just 5 or 10 minutes can help.


So next time you’re frustrated with someone or something, just take a break and cool down. 


Maybe practice a small act of self-care like pouring yourself a cup of coffee and taking deep breaths.


And remember you might need to let things cool down longer than expected. Maybe your hot coffee needs to become a cold brew by sitting in the fridge for a couple of days. 


But, no matter what, eventually you will be able to drink that cup of coffee just like you will be able to resolve that fight.


What simple life lessons can you learn from coffee?


So next time you are drinking a cup of coffee think about what lessons coffee has taught you lately. Because for me it’s this: 


  • Plan ahead
  • Cheap isn’t bad
  • Pause before you have (or buy!) another cup
  • Let things cool down


What has coffee taught you lately? Share your own personal life lessons with coffee in the comments!



And, if you are on the hunt for a new coffee company to try, check out these roasters that I’ve reviewed on the blog!


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10 thoughts on “4 Simple Life Lessons with Coffee”

  1. I read this thinking that just yesterday I had to run to the store because I was out of creamer… lol… Coffee and I have this special relationship where many times I have to wait for it to cool down… because many times it helps ME to cool down… but NEVER expensive coffee and NEVER without French Vanilla creamer… Great post – thanks.

    1. Hi Susan! Thanks so much for reading. I agree; coffee helps ME cool down too! Sometimes I just take a deep breath and take that first sip and I just feel better. Enjoy that coffee with French Vanilla! 🙂

    1. Yes! Mine has changed too! Funny how you think you need something and then after you cut it out for a while you realize you don’t need it anymore! Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂

  2. Bailey Bachman

    Great post! I agree so much that cheap does not mean bad quality sometimes. My husband and I like trying whatever coffee is on sale and honestly some of our favorites are the cheapest brands. We make it in our French press each morning and it’s perfect for us!

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Hi there! My name is Katie and I’m so glad you are here.


KT Likes Coffee is a lifestyle blog with a focus on coffee and motherhood.


My goal is to help busy moms and dads find the best cup of coffee to tackle the day with and also be a resource for busy parents who need a little extra help or encouragement.


Because let’s be frank, parenting is hard! So come grab a cup of coffee with me! 

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