Dad’s Coffee – What Does Coffee Mean to Fathers?

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I previously wrote a post on moms and coffee, but dad’s coffee is just as important too!


In fact, coffee is a way of life for dads the same as it is for moms. 


In some ways, I think it’s an untapped coffee market out there just waiting for a brand to break into.


But, then again, plenty of coffee companies offer up roasts geared toward dads. 


Surviving Motherhood Coffee has a “Just for Dads” section I love (including a fun Dad Fuel Coffee roast). 


And brands like Black Rifle Coffee Company and Founding Fathers Coffee target male coffee drinkers more than females (in my opinion).


But there’s no “Surviving Fatherhood” coffee company out there because men don’t get the same amount of credit women do around raising kids. 


And credit might not be the right word, but you know what I mean. 


Fatherhood often consists of the same sleepless nights as motherhood; the same difficult seasons like potty training and teething, burnt dinners, and long days. 


There are plenty of tough days in fatherhood, whether you are a working dad or a stay-at-home dad, just like there are tough days in motherhood.


But for whatever reason, we don’t hear about those stories as much – those tough days and nights for dads and what got them through it.


We don’t hear about “Dad’s coffee” in the same way we do moms.


But dad’s coffee is very much a thing, and it’s a daily ritual important to many fathers (my husband included). 


So I wanted to know what all the coffee-drinking fathers out there thought about coffee. 


What does coffee mean to dads? Why do dads drink coffee? What makes coffee special?



dad's coffee Pinterest pin



Dad’s Coffee – What Does Coffee Mean to Fathers?


To get to the heart of this question, I asked dads what coffee meant to them. Here are some of the responses.


“I started drinking coffee to fill me up when I was trying to lose weight. It was an adjustment for me because the plan said black coffee, which was an acquired taste for me,” says Biagio, from Four Tickets To Anywhere, who is a father of two. “After a while, it became a normal part of my routine, and although I have tried other coffee options, I still basically just take it black. I do have my favorites, Lavazza, La Colombe, and Dunkin, but I will drink gas station coffee, instant coffee, or even coffee I reheated in the microwave.” 


MyMomPlan’s husband says this about drinking coffee, “The first one in the morning is my wake-me-up coffee. You can really taste the flavor if it’s the first thing you have in the morning! The second one mid-morning is when I have a break – it helps that I step away from my research to make my coffee. My last coffee of the day is a decaf, post-lunch coffee. I always end lunch with an espresso. I’m French and only drink espresso – no sugar and not instant.”


Nicole of Behind the Classroom asked her husband why he drinks coffee. Beau said, “I drink it as a way to relax and enjoy a moment of peace.”



A dad's coffee is so important to him. Look at this dad holding his child and a cup of coffee at the same time.


The Best Dad Coffee Brands


There are lots of great coffee companies perfect for parents, but below are some of my favorites for men, and dads in particular. 


These roasters offer unique flavor combinations or packaging, plus they are delicious! Be sure to check them out and get Dad the coffee he deserves!


Oak & Bond

Clout Coffee

Brewpoint Coffee 

Cooper’s Cask Coffee



At the end of the day (or the beginning of the day!), Dad’s coffee is an important daily ritual like it is for moms. 


Yes, fatherhood is different for every guy, and some men are more present in fatherhood than others. 


But there are so many dads out there that do so much for their families every day.


And much of that day is fueled by coffee…just like it is for moms. 




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Hi there! My name is Katie and I’m so glad you are here.


KT Likes Coffee is a lifestyle blog with a focus on coffee and motherhood.


My goal is to help busy moms and dads find the best cup of coffee to tackle the day with and also be a resource for busy parents who need a little extra help or encouragement.


Because let’s be frank, parenting is hard! So come grab a cup of coffee with me! 

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