Monthly Coffee Review – Surviving Motherhood Coffee

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I’m back with another monthly coffee review!


Since starting KT Likes Coffee I’ve discovered some pretty unique coffee companies that I would have never found otherwise. Surviving Motherhood Coffee is exactly one of those brands. 


First, with a name like Surviving Motherhood Coffee, I knew that this company was for me. 


Although I can survive motherhood without coffee (I did for the first year of my daughter’s life while breastfeeding), I really don’t want to because, at the end of the day, I just love coffee!


Surviving Motherhood Coffee bag next to a coffee mugSurviving Motherhood Coffee is part of Mom Life Must Haves (MLMH) which is run by Gina, who is a mom!

Gina has a blog and sells a variety of things in her shop in addition to her coffee blends. 


She also has a “Just for Dads” section in her online store, which is so awesome. 


Yes, motherhood is crazy, but so is fatherhood and there are tons of dads out there that do so much for their kids and families (including my wonderful husband). 


I appreciate that Gina has this section just for the dads because I think a lot of companies miss that market. She has a “Dad Fuel” coffee blend too!


Surviving Motherhood Coffee, though, is small-batch coffee made just for moms. They offer unique flavored roasts as well as light, medium, and dark roasts too. 


One of my favorite things about the brand is the coffee names Gina has come up with:


“Caffeine for the Chaos” 

“Permanently Exhausted” 

“Almost Bedtime”


They are so fun and perfectly describe motherhood and what many moms are looking for in their morning coffee!


For this review, I purchased the Peanut Butter Dream blend along with some mystery sample packs. 


Surviving Motherhood Coffee often does “Free Shipping Friday” (use code FSF at checkout!) so if you can order on Friday and they are offering up that promo, do it! It will save you a few dollars. 


Shipping was quick and easy; I think my order arrived in about 5 days. 


The mystery sample packs are fun because you don’t know what you are going to get! There are a total of 11 flavors you could get when you order the mystery sample pack: 

Surviving Motherhood Coffee - Monthly Coffee Review
  • French Toast
  • Strawberry Cream
  • Smores
  • Caribbean Dream
  • Pumpkin Pecan Praline
  • Carrot Cake
  • Cranberry Glazed Cinnabun
  • Gingerbread
  • Chocolate Hazelnut
  • Candy Cane
  • Birthday Cake

I’m pretty sure I got a Gingerbread and a Smores, but honestly I don’t know! What I do know is that it tasted delicious and it was fun to brew a “mystery” pot of coffee. 


The only thing that I was a little disappointed in with these sample packs is that they really only brewed one pot of coffee. 


Maybe I make my coffee a bit strong? Not sure. 


But I was hoping to get a least two 12-oz pots of coffee out of those sample packs and there wasn’t quite enough for that second pot. So, that was a bummer for me. 


Other than that, though, these mystery bags were great!


The two coffee flavors I had were really good and they are like a fun size bag of unique blends that would make a great addition to a coffee gift basket or stocking stuffer if you are in need of a gift idea!


The large bag of coffee I purchased was the Peanut Butter Dream blend. I accidentally purchased a whole bean bag of coffee (and we don’t have a grinder…), so that was fun trying to figure that out! 🙂 


But, I eventually got my bag of whole bean coffee ground up at a local coffee shop in town and was able to brew a pot. 


(Lesson learned….make sure when you place an order for coffee you double-check that you are ordering the right type for your brewing needs!)


The Peanut Butter Dream wasn’t quite what I expected. Overall, I would describe it as just okay. 


It didn’t taste bad, but I think it was just a bit too sweet for my pallet. I think I’m picky about my flavored coffee like this and prefer something not so strong in terms of the added flavor. 


But, I still liked it enough and brewed the entire bag! 🙂


One thing I did love about the blend was the smell. OH MY GOSH, it was just heavenly in the morning and maybe that’s why the taste was a bit disappointing to me because it just smelled amazing.



Coffee Review - Surviving Motherhood Coffee



Overall, I love what Gina is doing with Surviving Motherhood Coffee. The company is great and I really enjoyed the mystery blends!


When I order again from Surviving Motherhood, I think I won’t get something so sweet. The idea of a flavored blend always sounds great to me, but I prefer a more traditional flavor coffee blend.


With Mother’s Day coming up something from Gina’s shop would make a GREAT gift! 


She has great products and there’s even a Founder’s Favorite: Coffee Club Monthly Subscription that would make a unique subscription gift for the coffee-loving mom in your life!


Check out Gina’s brands on Instagram at:



If you want to check out my monthly coffee review for March click here!


And don’t forget to sign up for KT’s Coffee Corner too!





10 thoughts on “Monthly Coffee Review – Surviving Motherhood Coffee”

    1. If you love peanut butter you might like it; it’s at least worth a try I think…I drank the whole bag still so clearly it was still tasty, lol! Their prices are really reasonable for specialty coffee like that too (some brands it is just so expensive when you get into the special flavor types!).

  1. Katie, thank you so much for this! Loved reading your thoughts! I’m curious how you enjoy your coffee, do you drink it black or mix in milk/cream? Only because it changes the flavor profile a bit! So glad you enjoyed the mystery flavors, it was such a fun thing for us to do! Appreciate you, mama!

    1. Hi Gina! Wow, thank you so much for reading this! I drink my coffee black typically, but I could see how milk or cream would affect any coffee blend. I didn’t think to try the Peanut Butter Dream with cream…I feel like that would have been a good flavor combo and made it more like a specialty coffee drink! I absolutely loved the mystery flavors black though (still not 100% sure which ones I got, but that’s part of the fun I think!). Thanks for making a great brand with so many different options, I will definitely be ordering more in the future! 🙂

  2. Carrot Cake and Cranberry Glaze Cinnabun sound interesting. I would be up for trying them out! Thanks for sharing this review. Maybe I can get my husband to try out some of these flavors here.

    1. So glad you found it interesting! I loved the excitement of brewing a mystery bag and trying to figure out what I got. Maybe you can entice your husband that way! 🙂

  3. Christina Boyer

    I love your blog. And yes, coffee all the way. It’s how I function. I have three boys.. so life gets a little crazy.

  4. My husband brews coffee in the morning and I can perfectly understand how a morning routine can be complete without it. I would love to try these blends and sure putting it on my bucketlist.

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Hi there! My name is Katie and I’m so glad you are here.


KT Likes Coffee is a lifestyle blog with a focus on coffee and motherhood.


My goal is to help busy moms and dads find the best cup of coffee to tackle the day with and also be a resource for busy parents who need a little extra help or encouragement.


Because let’s be frank, parenting is hard! So come grab a cup of coffee with me! 

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