10 Easy and Practical Self Care Ideas for Moms

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As a mom, self care can be hard. If you’re anything like me, you know that you need to do something, but it’s often easier said than done.


And, when you do find yourself with a minute or two to spare, the last thing you want to do is think about what you should be doing to “self care.”


I think that’s the hardest part of self care, honestly, is finding something to do.


Something outside your normal routine, but still important to you and something you enjoy.


So, to make things easier, I’ve come up with a list of easy self care ideas for moms that you can reference when you get a free minute or two (it might sound foreign, but you will have some free time at some point!). 


10 easy self-care ideas for moms


1. Starting a gratitude journal is an easy self care idea for moms (no mater what stage of motherhood you are in!). 


I started a daily gratitude journal this year as my New Year’s resolution, so this is something I already do daily in my life (or almost daily as I do forget sometimes, LOL). I use this one: 


A blank workbook called "good days start with gratitude."


What I like about my gratitude journal is that it is short and sweet.


It makes me pause for a few minutes each day to think about a few things I’m grateful for, but it doesn’t take up too much of my time. I can make notes or doodles on the pages for myself and there are wonderful quotes about life and gratitude at the start of the new week


I love writing (hence this blog), but I’ve never been into something like a diary, so I love that this little journal just allows for highlights each day. 


But, if writing more in-depth is your thing or you are interested in something that has a bit more room to just write and reflect in general then these are some great options too: 


((Random bonus idea for you…a gratitude journal makes a GREAT gift for anyone. Friends, family, coworkers. There are so many different options and it is a thoughtful, but inexpensive gift.))


2. Go for a walk


Walking is an easy and free self care idea for moms. Exercise, in general, is so good for you as is fresh air and sunshine.


So, do something simple and just go for a walk.


You might be surprised to find it helps!


AllTrails is a great app that allows you to look up trails near your location. Walking is a perfect self care idea for moms too!

If you live near a park or trails, drive over there instead of just walking the sidewalks of your neighborhood. It will give you a chance of scenery from your normal routine and make the walk feel more special too.


Have you ever used the AllTrails website or app? My dad pointed me to this app a year or so ago. It’s an app to tell you what trails are near your location. It will also tell you how difficult the trail is and an estimated length of completion. 


It is so handy and I highly recommend you check it out to see if you can find any new routes new near you!


3. Getting a manicure/pedicure is a great self care idea for moms!


I know many mamas already incorporate this into their lives, but I am not one of them. I didn’t even get my nails done for my wedding, that’s how unimportant it is to me.


So, if you are like me and go maybe once every few years, this is a real treat. 


If you are one of the moms that gets your nails done regularly, maybe splurge for a facial or a massage this time in addition to your standard mani/pedi.


Something different and special just for you. It’s a great self care idea for moms and I bet you will feel like a million bucks afterward. 


4. Never underestimate the power of coffee and sitting in a coffee shop.


People-watching can be fun, but drinking a warm cup of coffee while doing it is even better. 

coffee shop, indoors


Most coffee shops have a window seat of some kind. Try to snag that spot and just sit and enjoy yourself.


Drink your coffee (or tea), have a pastry, and just relax for 10 minutes if it’s all you have. 


If you have more than 10 minutes, bring a book or your computer and scroll mindlessly scroll Pinterest (my fav!).


Whatever you do, just enjoy being someplace different for a little while. Don’t stress or worry about what you are going to make for dinner. 


Just regroup and recharge your mind and body with some local coffee. 


It’s yet another great and easy self care idea for moms.







5. Self care for moms can sometimes mean embracing your creative side.


There is something calming about being artistic or creative. 


Painting, drawing, writing, knitting, scrapbooking, there are so many things you can do creatively to get your mind off things. 


But what if you aren’t the most artistic person? 


I fall into this category, and as much as I love to think I can be creative on my own…it’s just not really my thing. 


That said, I have gotten into lettering as of late, specifically lettering with Lisa Funk of Hand Lettered Design. She has these Daily Mindful Lettering books that are so great and I highly recommend them! 


The books are filled with self-affirmations that you trace to practice your lettering. It’s a great way to reduce anxiety or stress while also practicing/learning a new skill. 


It allows me to be artistic, but in a more controlled and guided way, which I enjoy. And I’ve found something special and unique that is just for me.


So if you aren’t the most artistic person,  I encourage you to give something like Lisa’s lettering books a try. 


6. Use a shower steamer


So many lists you read about have self care ideas for moms that suggest taking a bath. And, sure you can do that, but what if you aren’t a bath person??


To me, a bath is just SO much work to create…especially a fancy calming one.


And if I’m being honest, I’m a bit lazy.


At the end of the day, I’d rather just turn on some water and stand in a shower.


Using shower steams is a fun and unique self care idea for moms!

So how do you make a shower more relaxing? 


With shower steamers!


These little things are great and basically a bath bomb for your shower. They add a little something “extra” to your shower, but don’t require any extra work like a bath might.


I’ve also heard (depending on the scent and brand you pick) they can help with sinus issues and congestion.



So, a bonus tip if you need self care and you have a cold, try taking a nice hot shower with a shower steamer and see if it helps.


7. Make some time to read


It could be anything, but reading, in general, is a great way to reduce anxiety and stress. And, chances are you have a book lying around you’ve been dying to get to (I think I have four or five at this point, LOL). 


If you are caught up on your reading and don’t have anything new in the quote, consider the Bible.


Ever since I became a mom I’ve found my relationship with God has changed.


I feel closer to him and my faith in general. Maybe it’s because my daughter is such a blessing, but I also think it’s because so much about motherhood, about parenthood, is scary and unknown. 

bible, coffee

We want to do everything we can to keep our kids safe, but at the end of the day, we can only do so much. 


So, I think, putting your faith in your child is like putting your faith in God. Faith that they will make the right choices, do the right thing, be a good person. All things that the Bible teaches us. 


And sometimes when we are lost and looking for answers they are right in front of us in the Bible.


8. Listening to music is such an easy self care idea for moms to implement every day.


You can listen to music when you are cleaning or watching your children. You can go for a drive and listen to your favorite band.


There are ample opportunities throughout the day to listen to music, and music is healing in many ways.  


When I was a teenager one of my favorite authors was Sarah Dessen. I read so many of her books and I absolutely adored The Truth About Forever and Just Listen


One of my favorite quotes is this:

“Because a song can take you back instantly to a moment, or a place, or even a person.  No matter what else has changed in you or the world, that one song stays the same, just like that moment.  Which is pretty amazing, when you actually think about it.”

Just Listen, Sarah Dessen

And I truly believe this. 


Some songs still remind me of old boyfriends or TV shows. Others remind me of my husband or parents or best friend. Songs that are old or new, but somehow touched my soul and stayed with me.


Music is therapeutic on so many levels, so if you are stressed or just looking for an escape grab your favorite CD and go for a drive. Or pop in some headphones and pull up your favorite artist on Spotify.


However you listen to music, just pause and take a moment to listen. 


9. Write a letter to your past self.


Years ago I bought this book called Dear Me: A Letter to My Sixteen-Year-Old Self.


I mainly bought it because J.K. Rowling wrote the forward and a letter to herself, plus Harry Potter is my absolute favorite (HAHA). But, I also bought it because it is a unique idea. 


If you could say something to your past self what would you say? 


I took this idea as a therapeutic writing exercise to help with my postpartum depression.


Writing is a great way to reduce stress and get your thoughts out.


Writing to yourself, though, lets you see how far you have truly come. It gives you a chance to reflect on where you were and where you are now. 


So take some time and write a letter to your past self. Reflect on where you were and where you are now.


It’s a free and easy self care idea for moms. After, all you just need a pen and paper (or a computer and a blank Word document!)


You might not even realize how far you have come until you write it.


10. Take a nap. Yes, even something as simple as a nap can be one of the best self care ides for moms!


I’m terrible at this, but honestly one of the best things as a mom that you can do for yourself sometimes is to just rest or sleep. 


If you are burnt out and exhausted, try to take a nap. Even just a short 20-30 minute one can sometimes make a huge difference. 


Naps are also free, so that’s pretty sweet too. 😉


If your kids are older and don’t take naps anymore, try to instill some quiet time. Maybe they play in their room by themselves for 30-60 minutes. Or in their playroom with their siblings. 


Doing something so you get a break or rest in the middle of the day is good for you.


A summary of easy self care ideas for moms


These are just a small sample of the easy, practical, and mostly inexpensive self care ideas for moms that are out there. 


At the end of the day, I think self-care is anything that makes you happy and reduces your stress level. 


For some that might be working out, for others it’s painting, or maybe taking a nap.


Whatever you need to do to take time for yourself, do it.


You are important and your mental health matters.


Tell me some of the ways you practice self-care in your everyday life in the comments section!



6 thoughts on “10 Easy and Practical Self Care Ideas for Moms”

  1. You can’t go wrong with taking a nap or quiet day at a coffee shop! You gave some great ideas that I never thought off. Thank you

  2. Love this! What a great list! I’m big into gratitude journals too. They are such an important tool for reflection and can really help a person’s well-being. In fact, I created one specifically designed for young children to help encourage gratitude as a lifelong practice.

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Hi there! My name is Katie and I’m so glad you are here.


KT Likes Coffee is a lifestyle blog with a focus on coffee and motherhood.


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Because let’s be frank, parenting is hard! So come grab a cup of coffee with me! 

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