As a busy mom, I don’t really have much time for beauty products. Plus, I’ve never really been big into beauty things to begin with.
Makeup, curling irons, washing my face every day… it’s just not my style.
I think I have used my blow drier once in the past year? I do own a curling iron and a straightener.
Sometimes I was my face in the shower with my Dove Sensitive Skin body wash.
But, that’s about it.
And, if you’re mom and work life is anything like mine, you probably don’t have time for a ton of beauty self-care either.
You want products that are simple and work…I hear you!
I’m by no means a beauty excerpt, but I personally love and use all the products listed below on a daily basis.
They are all fairly inexpensive and help save me time, which is even more precious to me now that I’m a mom.
Below you will find five of the best beauty products for busy moms!
Shout out to Jenn Todryk (@theramblingreadhead on Instagram) for this one because I probably would have never found this company without her.
First off, I didn’t really know what dry shampoo even was until I became a mom.
I had heard of it, sure. But, I didn’t really understand it until I hadn’t showered in days or washed my hair in a week (yes ew… #newbornmomlife).
Eventually though, I learned and soon discovered the beautiful world of dry shampoo, and I was hooked.
Dry shampoo is definitely one of the best beauty products for busy moms, hands down.
BUT, I learned fast that there are many different brands of dry shampoo and you have to find what works best for you and your hair.
So began my hunt for the perfect dry shampoo.
I tried a lot of different brands. Clean Freak, OGX, Dove. None of them were really that great, but the price was! So, that’s why I gravitated towards those brands.
But, once I tried Klorane…I couldn’t go back.
Yes, it is a bit expensive compared to some other brands out there, but in my opinion, it is so worth it.
It is without a doubt the best dry shampoo I have ever used.
Go ahead, try it out…just once, and you’ll see what I mean.
Sometimes I think it cleans my hair better than my actual shampoo and conditioner.
I love Klorane’s website too and they also offer free shipping on orders over $40, which is easy enough to do.
The other place I buy their dry shampoo is Amazon.
I have this product saved to my “Essentials” list and I check it frequently for discounts and buy this stuff whenever it goes on sale.
So be sure to check both Klorane’s website and Amazon so you can get the best price.
#2 – Sephora Eye Crayons
The only makeup I put on daily is around my eyes.
I’ve never really liked lipstick or lip gloss and I’ve never been into a huge layer of foundation or anything like that.
Basically, I put some concealer and powder under my eyes (hello bags!), some eyeshadow on my lids, and then some black eyeliner and mascara on and call it a day.
I’ve got it pretty simple as is, but I like to make things even simpler if I can when it comes to makeup.
Enter the eye crayon!
Basically, it’s like an eyeliner pen for your eyeshadow. No more small brushes to mess with or a big container of different pallets. Just a crayon in a variety of colors.
But for whatever reason, these amazing beauty products for busy moms are hard to find!
I’ve looked around and eye crayons just aren’t that popular I guess.
A lot of the big makeup brands don’t seem to make them, and Marc Jacobs Beauty did have them, but they are no more (I’m so sad about this as they had my favorite eyeliner).
So, I’ve found it tricky to find a quality eye crayon that I actually like.
But, when I finally found this product from Sephora with a variety of color options I knew that it was for me.
I ordered one to try it out, but after I quickly used that crayon up, I was hooked and ordered several more in a variety of colors.
It’s such a handy way to apply eyeshadow and that’s why it’s on this list as one of the best beauty products for busy moms!
I’m obsessed with all the colors they have, specifically the Rose Gold and Beige Glitter, but there are tons of options in matte and shimmer finishes too.
The product itself holds up so well and lasts all day. I don’t have to touch it up or worry about smudging.
The best perfume for busy moms is by far Daisy by Marc Jacobs
Daisy has been my go-to perfume for a while now. Some perfumes are just so heavy and instantly take over.
But, Daisy is nice, clean, and simple and that’s why it’s one of the best beauty products for busy moms.
One thing that is great about the Daisy perfume scent is that it is literally everywhere.
So many places sell it, so that makes it easy to find (or give as a gift…which my husband did this past Christmas!).
I recommend looking at Sephora, Ulta, or even Amazon. I try to keep an eye out for any sales at these stores because that is the best time to buy one of the larger bottles if you can.
No matter the size of the bottle, it always seems to last a long time for me too.
It’s an added bonus that the bottle is beautiful too! I love leaving this product out on my counter in my bathroom or using it in images because it is just that pretty!
Fourth on the list, my favorite hair company: Gimme Beauty
Gimme Hair Ties are such an awesome product and I can’t recommend them enough to busy moms and women everywhere.
First, they do not hurt.
I always keep a hair tie on my wrist and these never cause me any issues, even if it’s a brand new hair tie from the pack.
They don’t hurt my head either. I can have my hair up all day and it doesn’t pull or hurt the way other hair ties sometimes do.
The second thing I LOVE about this company is they made different kinds of hair ties for different hairstyles and hair types.
Finally, someone that understands that not all hair is the same and some people need different types of holds depending on their hair thickness, color, preference, etc.
I personally prefer the Any Fit Hair Bands for everyday use. The Thick Fit Hair Bands are awesome, though, for high ponytails or thicker hair.
But, the absolute best thing about this company is they have these “Bands Fitting Kits.” You can purchase a kit and then try every type of hair band they sell and find what’s a good fit for you!
That’s how I figured out what I like best hair tie wise and that’s why I think this company offers some of the best beauty products for busy moms.
I also snagged a few of these for Christmas gifts this past year…which was great. It was the perfect little “extra” gift for so many people. Nothing extravagant, but nicer than a small gift card.
I like Gimme Beauty products so much that I reached out to them to become an ambassador and they gave me a discount code too!
KTLIKESCOFFEE gets you 25% off your order through Gimme Beauty’s website and if you spend over $50 you get free shipping! Woot!
Last, but not least, my tried and true Clean & Clear Acne Spot Treatment
Whoever said acne stopped after puberty clearly made that up.
I still get acne from time to time and pimples/blemishes pop up randomly for me…typically if I’m super stressed or if “Aunt Flow” is around.
I’ve used this stuff for years and it’s the best beauty product for busy moms too.
Even better, it lasts forever for me because I just use it periodically to treat pimples/blackheads that pop up at random times.
I don’t think I’ve purchased a new tube in at least a year now.
It’s such a quick and easy product to apply that actually works the way you want it to!
Typically I apply it in the morning before I put makeup on (but after I shower or wash my face) and then I will apply it again at night before I go to bed (after I take my makeup off).
In my experience, if you catch a pimple early enough (like when you first spot it) this stuff can keep it from coming through completely. But if one does pop up without warning, this stuff takes it away in just a couple of days for me.
It’s really a handy little treatment to have in your medicine cabinet for those pesky pimples.
Although I’m not a big makeup or beauty person, these five items are the best beauty products for busy moms.
All these products make my life a little easier in some way and there is something to be said for that, both as a woman and as a mom.
So, now I want to know: What are your favorite beauty products?
What do you use every day?
Tell me all about your favorite beauty products for busy moms in the comments!